Meet Miss ZeZi, an lovable young purebred Bull Terrier, who wants nothing more than a family to shower her with all the attention she deserves.
ZeZi is approximatley 2 years old, and weighs about 40 lbs.
ZeZi came to our Dog Gone Home through one of our volunteers who rescued her after she was abandoned in the woods for a long period of time; so she likes the comfort of being close to her people.
It’s impossible not to fall in love with her long sniffs from that big nose, long stares of appreciation, and her loving long kisses.
ZeZi loves to be in the spotlight, the center of attention. She is dog friendly and currently lives with 4 other dogs (and 2 cats) in her foster home, however, she is very HIGH energy and likes to be the dominant dog in the pack.
She loves to lay on your lap while watching TV. It’s her favorite time (besides morning snuggle time)! She loves to nap under the covers.
More Info on ZeZi:
Meet & Greets with other dogs and children is part of our rescue process.
Adoption Fee: $350.00
If you are interested fostering, or Foster-to Adopt or Adoping ZeZi, please fill out an application here:
or email us at: