Meet lovable Nova, one of the 8 puppies in our Diamonds in the Ruff Litter!
This German Shorthaired Pointer & Pit Bull mix puppy was born on approximately May 18, and is currently 7 weeks old.
Nova will be approximately 40 - 50lbs once fully-grown
Nova and her siblings came to our rescue when she was 3 weeks old and had previously been living outside as a tiny baby in the hot Florida heat with their mama, Ruby Zoey.
Nova is currently living in a loving foster home with her siblings, getting all the love and care she needs while we search for her forever family.
* Currently learning potty training on pee-pads
* Will be up to date on 2 rounds of puppy vaccines
* Will be spayed/neutered on July 19
Nova will be ready for adoption on July 21, 2024
Adoption Fee: $450.00
We are currently accepting applications. If you are interested in adopting NOVA, please fill out an application:
Or email: for more information.